To Packraft or not to Packraft – It’s been really bugging me since I came back from the Brooks Range last year.

I’ve been saving for the next trip, but also ostensibly for a packraft, but it’s been a bit of a convoluted thought process, broken intermittently by the on/off switch of the price of one – too dear/just do it.

Also the type of raft and configuration, it was always going to be an Alpacka, I’m not hugely interested in outdoor commercial enterprises, especially the larger corporates, but a company whose passion for the real outdoors, their history and their fight against the current removal of protection for US Wilderness areas, not least of which is the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, is a company who I will always support. I think that this same backcountry, wilderness loving culture is also at the forefront of their dealer in the UK, Backcountry Scot.

Anyway, it’s been a swinging pendulum effect between the Llama and the Gnarwhal for the last wee while – I had settled on the white water deck a few months ago, but the thigh straps, homemade or Alpackas own, proper back band or the inflatable version – the extra cost of a cargo fly, big 12” tubes or the smaller tubes on the Llama. How will I learn to roll one? Will it roll fully laden? Where will I use it in Scotland? Will I be shot on sight by other paddlers for paddling alone? All these and a dozen more had been rolling around in my head for months now.

In the end, it was utility that decided it, a boat comfortable in white water in the UK, that will give a little more security on the Alaskan Class II and III white water trips along with the increased carrying capacity of the Gnarwhals larger tubes.
Vectran was considered, but I guess ultimately, I have stronger shoulders than deeper pockets, so I went with the standard fabric.

Andy at Backcountry Scot kindly agreed to lend me one for the day, so my eldest son and I (he’s 9) made the trip across to Aviemore on Friday night, camped, then on Saturday floated from Aviemore to Boat of Garten, playing in the small class I rapids at the end before getting the last steam train of the day back to Aviemore.

It was Joshua’s first packraft trip, he was pretty taken with it. He’s usually like any other nine-year-old, impatient and wanting to get going, but he listened to the conversation in the shop and took it all in and was full of questions all the way down the river.

He’s like me, he hates that bloody squeak of paddle on packraft. I think he’s going to be a fine packrafter in the making – he’s got a few trips planned for us – I know – he told me so – can’t wait.

So, I can finally remove the daily liturgy of decision making from my head – I’ve ordered one – a Gnarwhal with the white water deck, and a Celtic paddle with carbon shaft and nylon blades.


Still haven’t settled on a PFD though….